Generation Z : New drama series in production

Generation Z

Background of Political Unrest & Generation Z


The anti-discrimination student movement galvanized the “Generation Z” displayed remarkable bravery by standing up against oppressive forces. July and August 2024 marked a pivotal chapter in Bangladesh’s political landscape, characterized by widespread unrest and revolutionary fervor.

Generation Z

These courageous students fought for their rights, even facing bullets with unwavering determination. Their bold actions led to the fall of Sheikh Hasina’s government and brought hope for the country’s future.

Sacrifice of Martyrs and the Initiative of Drama Production

The movement came at a grave cost, with numerous students and common people martyred in the struggle for justice and equality. To honor their sacrifice, playwright Mejbah Uddin Suman has initiated a drama titled “Gen Z Am I? Who are you?” Directed by Abu Hayat Mahmud, this political satire aims to highlight the tumultuous political situation and the aspirations of the youth.

The Story and Message of the Play

The drama centers around a family, weaving together themes of laughter, joy, love, and political tension. “Generation Z” highlights the generational divide in perspectives, especially actively seeks to dismantle autocratic attitudes. Through the use of humor and satire, the play aims to convey a serious political message, highlighting the ongoing struggles and the necessity for change.

Generation Z

Generation Z: Hope for the Future

The events of July and August 2024 have indelibly altered Bangladesh’s political trajectory. The bravery and sacrifices of the new generation serve as a beacon of hope for a more equitable future.

In the face of ongoing unrest, the powerful narrative of resilience and justice will inspire future generations to fight for their rights and oppose oppression.

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