“Boro Chele is seven years old : Mehzabeen

Boro Chele

Mehzabeen could not surpass  Boro Chele.

The popular telefilm ‘Boro Chele’ has completed seven years since its release on YouTube. The telefilm quickly became popular with urban and rural audiences. The on-screen pairing of Apoorva and Mehzabeen became an instant favorite with the audience. Even after all these years, Apurbo and Mehzabeen continue to receive the same love and respect from their fans.

Boro Chele

Mehzabeen Chowdhury recently shared an emotional Facebook post, reminiscing about the day the telefilm aired. He wrote, “Boro Chele is seven years old. I am still getting equal love. This drama changed the graph of my career. I have not looked back. Alhamdulillah for everything. Forever grateful to Mizanur Rahman Arian Bhaiya. Beautiful gift of his whole life.”

Mehzabeen admits that since then he has acted in different stories and characters but viewers still associate him with the Boro Chele. He said, “Visitors talk about the telefilm first when they go to the village or elsewhere. They say, seeing the telefilm still brings tears to their eyes. I think this telefilm has set an example.”

The popularity of the ‘Boro Chele’

The telefilm also set a new YouTube viewership record within days of its release, catapulting Mehzabeen into the spotlight. He said, “I have done a lot of work before. But after the promotion of Boro Chele, the audience took me to another height. It changed the trajectory of my acting career.”

The success of the telefilm was a significant achievement not only for Mehzabeen, but also for her co-star Apoorva and director Aaryan. Mehzabeen shared, “It was with this telephoto that I started receiving the prestigious Meril Prothom Alo Award. It has been extended to 2023. That’s how lucky this TV show was for me.”

Boro Chele

Despite being paired with Apoorva for several other works, none of  subsequent works could surpass popularity. The Boro Chele in the hearts of the audience. Mehzabeen admits, “When I did the telefilm, I didn’t realize that I would get so much love. I realized it after the promotions. Then I worked with Apoorva Bhai with more spirit and more sincerity. But the audience still loves the telefilm. The passion and love that was created in the mind is still embedded today, so we ourselves could not surpass the Boro Chele in other work.