North Korea Executes 30 Officials for Flood Negligence

North Korea

North Korea Executes 30 Officials for Negligence During Deadly Floods

North Korea

North Korea Executes 30 Officials for Flood Negligence. According to a South Korean TV channel, Kim issued the order, and the executions took place last month.

Punishment due to negligence

According to government sources, Kim Jong Un accused the officials of not taking proper measures to prevent the loss of life due to recent severe floods and landslides. Thousands of people lost their lives, and many became homeless due to these floods. Kim Jong Un stated that he would severely punish officials who failed to address the situation.

Effects of flooding

Heavy rains in North Korea caused widespread flooding in July. More than 4,000 houses were damaged and more than 15,000 people were left homeless. Kim Jong Un blamed government officials for the situation and ordered severe punishment against them.

Maintain confidentiality

The North Korean administration generally maintains secrecy, so details of these executions are not readily available. However, according to reports published in South Korean media, the executions of these officials took place late last month.

North Korea

Through this incident, Kim Jong Un wants to send a message of punishment against his government’s harsh rule and irresponsibility.